

Differential Privacy #

This file defines a notion of a differential private system.

def NonZeroNQ {T : Type u_1} {U : Type u_2} (nq : List TSLang U) :
Instances For
    def NonTopSum {T : Type u_1} {U : Type u_2} (nq : List TSLang U) :
    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline]
      abbrev SLang.Query (T : Type) (U : Type) :
      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]
        abbrev SLang.Mechanism (T : Type) (U : Type) :
        Instances For
          def SLang.privCompose {T : Type} {U : Type} {V : Type} (nq1 : SLang.Mechanism T U) (nq2 : SLang.Mechanism T V) (l : List T) :
          SLang (U × V)

          Product of mechanisms.

          Note that the second mechanism does not depend on the output of the first; this is in currently in contrast to the notions of composition found in the DP literature.

          Instances For
            def SLang.privPostProcess {T : Type} {U : Type} {V : Type} (nq : SLang.Mechanism T U) (pp : UV) (l : List T) :

            Mechanism obtained by applying a post-processing function to a mechanism.

            Instances For
              class SLang.DPSystem (T : Type) :

              Abstract definition of a differentially private systemm.

                theorem SLang.DPSystem.noise_prop {T : Type} [self : SLang.DPSystem T] (q : List T) (Δ : ℕ+) (εn : ℕ+) (εd : ℕ+) :
                sensitivity q ΔSLang.DPSystem.prop (SLang.DPSystem.noise q Δ εn εd) (εn / εd)

                Adding noise to a query makes it differentially private.

                theorem SLang.DPSystem.compose_prop {T : Type} [self : SLang.DPSystem T] {U : Type} {V : Type} [MeasurableSpace U] [Countable U] [DiscreteMeasurableSpace U] [Inhabited U] [MeasurableSpace V] [Countable V] [DiscreteMeasurableSpace V] [Inhabited V] (m₁ : SLang.Mechanism T U) (m₂ : SLang.Mechanism T V) (ε₁ : ℕ+) (ε₂ : ℕ+) (ε₃ : ℕ+) (ε₄ : ℕ+) :
                SLang.DPSystem.prop m₁ (ε₁ / ε₂)SLang.DPSystem.prop m₂ (ε₃ / ε₄)SLang.DPSystem.prop (SLang.privCompose m₁ m₂) (ε₁ / ε₂ + ε₃ / ε₄)

                Notion of privacy composes by addition.

                theorem SLang.DPSystem.postprocess_prop {T : Type} [self : SLang.DPSystem T] {V : Type} {U : Type} [MeasurableSpace U] [Countable U] [DiscreteMeasurableSpace U] [Inhabited U] {pp : UV} :
                Function.Surjective pp∀ (m : SLang.Mechanism T U) (ε₁ ε₂ : ℕ+), SLang.DPSystem.prop m (ε₁ / ε₂)SLang.DPSystem.prop (SLang.privPostProcess m pp) (ε₁ / ε₂)

                Notion of privacy is invariant under post-processing.

                theorem SLang.bind_bind_indep {T : Type} {U : Type} {V : Type} {A : Type} (p : SLang.Mechanism T U) (q : SLang.Mechanism T V) (h : UVSLang A) :
                (fun (l : List T) => (p l).probBind fun (a : U) => (q l).probBind fun (b : V) => h a b) = fun (l : List T) => (SLang.privCompose p q l).probBind fun (z : U × V) => h z.1 z.2
                theorem SLang.compose_sum_rw {T : Type u_1} {U : Type u_2} {V : Type u_3} (nq1 : List TSLang U) (nq2 : List TSLang V) (b : U) (c : V) (l : List T) :
                (∑' (a : U), nq1 l a * ∑' (a_1 : V), if b = a c = a_1 then nq2 l a_1 else 0) = nq1 l b * nq2 l c
                theorem SLang.privCompose_NonTopSum {T : Type} {U : Type} {V : Type} {nq1 : List TSLang U} {nq2 : List TSLang V} (nt1 : NonTopSum nq1) (nt2 : NonTopSum nq2) :

                Composed queries are normalizable.

                theorem SLang.privCompose_NonZeroNQ {T : Type} {U : Type} {V : Type} {nq1 : List TSLang U} {nq2 : List TSLang V} (nn1 : NonZeroNQ nq1) (nn2 : NonZeroNQ nq2) :

                All outputs of a composed query have nonzero probability.

                theorem SLang.ENNReal.HasSum_fiberwise {T : Type u_1} {V : Type u_2} {f : TENNReal} {a : ENNReal} (hf : HasSum f a) (g : TV) :
                HasSum (fun (c : V) => ∑' (b : (g ⁻¹' {c})), f b) a
                theorem SLang.ENNReal.tsum_fiberwise {T : Type u_1} {V : Type u_2} (p : TENNReal) (f : TV) :
                ∑' (x : V) (b : (f ⁻¹' {x})), p b = ∑' (i : T), p i
                theorem SLang.fiberwisation {T : Type u_1} {V : Type u_2} (p : TENNReal) (f : TV) :
                ∑' (i : T), p i = ∑' (x : V), if {a : T | x = f a} = then 0 else ∑' (i : {a : T | x = f a}), p i
                theorem SLang.condition_to_subset {U : Type u_1} {V : Sort u_2} (f : UV) (g : UENNReal) (x : V) :
                (∑' (a : U), if x = f a then g a else 0) = ∑' (a : {a : U | x = f a}), g a
                theorem SLang.privPostProcess_NonZeroNQ {T : Type} {U : Type} {V : Type} {nq : List TSLang U} {f : UV} (nn : NonZeroNQ nq) (sur : Function.Surjective f) :
                theorem SLang.privPostProcess_NonTopSum {T : Type} {U : Type} {V : Type} {nq : List TSLang U} (f : UV) (nt : NonTopSum nq) :