Example: Arithmetic in Monads

Monads are a way of encoding programs with side effects into a language that does not have them. It would be easy to read this as a sort of admission that pure functional programs are missing something important, requiring programmers to jump through hoops just to write a normal program. However, while using the Monad API does impose a syntactic cost on a program, it brings two important benefits:

  1. Programs must be honest about which effects they use in their types. A quick glance at a type signature describes everything that the program can do, rather than just what it accepts and what it returns.
  2. Not every language provides the same effects. For example, only some language have exceptions. Other languages have unique, exotic effects, such as Icon's searching over multiple values and Scheme or Ruby's continuations. Because monads can encode any effect, programmers can choose which ones are the best fit for a given application, rather than being stuck with what the language developers provided.

One example of a program that can make sense in a variety of monads is an evaluator for arithmetic expressions.

Arithmetic Expressions

An arithmetic expression is either a literal integer or a primitive binary operator applied to two expressions. The operators are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division:

inductive Expr (op : Type) where
  | const : Int → Expr op
  | prim : op → Expr op → Expr op → Expr op

inductive Arith where
  | plus
  | minus
  | times
  | div

The expression 2 + 3 is represented:

open Expr in
open Arith in
def twoPlusThree : Expr Arith :=
  prim plus (const 2) (const 3)

and 14 / (45 - 5 * 9) is represented:

open Expr in
open Arith in
def fourteenDivided : Expr Arith :=
  prim div (const 14) (prim minus (const 45) (prim times (const 5) (const 9)))

Evaluating Expressions

Because expressions include division, and division by zero is undefined, evaluation might fail. One way to represent failure is to use Option:

def evaluateOption : Expr Arith → Option Int
  | Expr.const i => pure i
  | Expr.prim p e1 e2 =>
    evaluateOption e1 >>= fun v1 =>
    evaluateOption e2 >>= fun v2 =>
    match p with
    | Arith.plus => pure (v1 + v2)
    | Arith.minus => pure (v1 - v2)
    | Arith.times => pure (v1 * v2)
    | Arith.div => if v2 == 0 then none else pure (v1 / v2)

This definition uses the Monad Option instance to propagate failures from evaluating both branches of a binary operator. However, the function mixes two concerns: evaluating subexpressions and applying a binary operator to the results. It can be improved by splitting it into two functions:

def applyPrim : Arith → Int → Int → Option Int
  | Arith.plus, x, y => pure (x + y)
  | Arith.minus, x, y => pure (x - y)
  | Arith.times, x, y => pure (x * y)
  | Arith.div, x, y => if y == 0 then none else pure (x / y)

def evaluateOption : Expr Arith → Option Int
  | Expr.const i => pure i
  | Expr.prim p e1 e2 =>
    evaluateOption e1 >>= fun v1 =>
    evaluateOption e2 >>= fun v2 =>
    applyPrim p v1 v2

Running #eval evaluateOption fourteenDivided yields none, as expected, but this is not a very useful error message. Because the code was written using >>= rather than by explicitly handling the none constructor, only a small modification is required for it to provide an error message on failure:

def applyPrim : Arith → Int → Int → Except String Int
  | Arith.plus, x, y => pure (x + y)
  | Arith.minus, x, y => pure (x - y)
  | Arith.times, x, y => pure (x * y)
  | Arith.div, x, y =>
    if y == 0 then
      Except.error s!"Tried to divide {x} by zero"
    else pure (x / y)

def evaluateExcept : Expr Arith → Except String Int
  | Expr.const i => pure i
  | Expr.prim p e1 e2 =>
    evaluateExcept e1 >>= fun v1 =>
    evaluateExcept e2 >>= fun v2 =>
    applyPrim p v1 v2

The only difference is that the type signature mentions Except String instead of Option, and the failing case uses Except.error instead of none. By making evaluate polymorphic over its monad and passing it applyPrim as an argument, a single evaluator becomes capable of both forms of error reporting:

def applyPrimOption : Arith → Int → Int → Option Int
  | Arith.plus, x, y => pure (x + y)
  | Arith.minus, x, y => pure (x - y)
  | Arith.times, x, y => pure (x * y)
  | Arith.div, x, y =>
    if y == 0 then
    else pure (x / y)

def applyPrimExcept : Arith → Int → Int → Except String Int
  | Arith.plus, x, y => pure (x + y)
  | Arith.minus, x, y => pure (x - y)
  | Arith.times, x, y => pure (x * y)
  | Arith.div, x, y =>
    if y == 0 then
      Except.error s!"Tried to divide {x} by zero"
    else pure (x / y)

def evaluateM [Monad m] (applyPrim : Arith → Int → Int → m Int): Expr Arith → m Int
  | Expr.const i => pure i
  | Expr.prim p e1 e2 =>
    evaluateM applyPrim e1 >>= fun v1 =>
    evaluateM applyPrim e2 >>= fun v2 =>
    applyPrim p v1 v2

Using it with applyPrimOption works just like the first version of evaluate:

#eval evaluateM applyPrimOption fourteenDivided

Similarly, using it with applyPrimExcept works just like the version with error messages:

#eval evaluateM applyPrimExcept fourteenDivided
Except.error "Tried to divide 14 by zero"

The code can still be improved. The functions applyPrimOption and applyPrimExcept differ only in their treatment of division, which can be extracted into another parameter to the evaluator:

def applyDivOption (x : Int) (y : Int) : Option Int :=
    if y == 0 then
    else pure (x / y)

def applyDivExcept (x : Int) (y : Int) : Except String Int :=
    if y == 0 then
      Except.error s!"Tried to divide {x} by zero"
    else pure (x / y)

def applyPrim [Monad m] (applyDiv : Int → Int → m Int) : Arith → Int → Int → m Int
  | Arith.plus, x, y => pure (x + y)
  | Arith.minus, x, y => pure (x - y)
  | Arith.times, x, y => pure (x * y)
  | Arith.div, x, y => applyDiv x y

def evaluateM [Monad m] (applyDiv : Int → Int → m Int): Expr Arith → m Int
  | Expr.const i => pure i
  | Expr.prim p e1 e2 =>
    evaluateM applyDiv e1 >>= fun v1 =>
    evaluateM applyDiv e2 >>= fun v2 =>
    applyPrim applyDiv p v1 v2

In this refactored code, the fact that the two code paths differ only in their treatment of failure has been made fully apparent.

Further Effects

Failure and exceptions are not the only kinds of effects that can be interesting when working with an evaluator. While division's only side effect is failure, adding other primitive operators to the expressions make it possible to express other effects.

The first step is an additional refactoring, extracting division from the datatype of primitives:

inductive Prim (special : Type) where
  | plus
  | minus
  | times
  | other : special → Prim special

inductive CanFail where
  | div

The name CanFail suggests that the effect introduced by division is potential failure.

The second step is to broaden the scope of the division handler argument to evaluateM so that it can process any special operator:

def divOption : CanFail → Int → Int → Option Int
  | CanFail.div, x, y => if y == 0 then none else pure (x / y)

def divExcept : CanFail → Int → Int → Except String Int
  | CanFail.div, x, y =>
    if y == 0 then
      Except.error s!"Tried to divide {x} by zero"
    else pure (x / y)

def applyPrim [Monad m] (applySpecial : special → Int → Int → m Int) : Prim special → Int → Int → m Int
  | Prim.plus, x, y => pure (x + y)
  | Prim.minus, x, y => pure (x - y)
  | Prim.times, x, y => pure (x * y)
  | Prim.other op, x, y => applySpecial op x y

def evaluateM [Monad m] (applySpecial : special → Int → Int → m Int): Expr (Prim special) → m Int
  | Expr.const i => pure i
  | Expr.prim p e1 e2 =>
    evaluateM applySpecial e1 >>= fun v1 =>
    evaluateM applySpecial e2 >>= fun v2 =>
    applyPrim applySpecial p v1 v2

No Effects

The type Empty has no constructors, and thus no values, like the Nothing type in Scala or Kotlin. In Scala and Kotlin, Nothing can represent computations that never return a result, such as functions that crash the program, throw exceptions, or always fall into infinite loops. An argument to a function or method of type Nothing indicates dead code, as there will never be a suitable argument value. Lean doesn't support infinite loops and exceptions, but Empty is still useful as an indication to the type system that a function cannot be called. Using the syntax nomatch E when E is an expression whose type has no constructors indicates to Lean that the current expression need not return a result, because it could never have been called.

Using Empty as the parameter to Prim indicates that there are no additional cases beyond Prim.plus, Prim.minus, and Prim.times, because it is impossible to come up with a value of type Empty to place in the Prim.other constructor. Because a function to apply an operator of type Empty to two integers can never be called, it doesn't need to return a result. Thus, it can be used in any monad:

def applyEmpty [Monad m] (op : Empty) (_ : Int) (_ : Int) : m Int :=
  nomatch op

This can be used together with Id, the identity monad, to evaluate expressions that have no effects whatsoever:

open Expr Prim in
#eval evaluateM (m := Id) applyEmpty (prim plus (const 5) (const (-14)))

Instead of simply failing when encountering division by zero, it would also be sensible to backtrack and try a different input. Given the right monad, the very same evaluateM can perform a nondeterministic search for a set of answers that do not result in failure. This requires, in addition to division, some means of specifying a choice of results. One way to do this is to add a function choose to the language of expressions that instructs the evaluator to pick either of its arguments while searching for non-failing results.

The result of the evaluator is now a multiset of values, rather than a single value. The rules for evaluation into a multiset are:

  • Constants \( n \) evaluate to singleton sets \( {n} \).
  • Arithmetic operators other than division are called on each pair from the Cartesian product of the operators, so \( X + Y \) evaluates to \( \{ x + y \mid x ∈ X, y ∈ Y \} \).
  • Division \( X / Y \) evaluates to \( \{ x / y \mid x ∈ X, y ∈ Y, y ≠ 0\} \). In other words, all \( 0 \) values in \( Y \) are thrown out.
  • A choice \( \mathrm{choose}(x, y) \) evaluates to \( \{ x, y \} \).

For example, \( 1 + \mathrm{choose}(2, 5) \) evaluates to \( \{ 3, 6 \} \), \(1 + 2 / 0 \) evaluates to \( \{\} \), and \( 90 / (\mathrm{choose}(-5, 5) + 5) \) evaluates to \( \{ 9 \} \). Using multisets instead of true sets simplifies the code by removing the need to check for uniqueness of elements.

A monad that represents this non-deterministic effect must be able to represent a situation in which there are no answers, and a situation in which there is at least one answer together with any remaining answers:

inductive Many (α : Type) where
  | none : Many α
  | more : α → (Unit → Many α) → Many α

This datatype looks very much like List. The difference is that where cons stores the rest of the list, more stores a function that should compute the next value on demand. This means that a consumer of Many can stop the search when some number of results have been found.

A single result is represented by a more constructor that returns no further results:

def Many.one (x : α) : Many α := Many.more x (fun () => Many.none)

The union of two multisets of results can be computed by checking whether the first multiset is empty. If so, the second multiset is the union. If not, the union consists of the first element of the first multiset followed by the union of the rest of the first multiset with the second multiset:

def Many.union : Many α → Many α → Many α
  | Many.none, ys => ys
  | Many.more x xs, ys => Many.more x (fun () => union (xs ()) ys)

It can be convenient to start a search process with a list of values. Many.fromList converts a list into a multiset of results:

def Many.fromList : List α → Many α
  | [] => Many.none
  | x :: xs => Many.more x (fun () => fromList xs)

Similarly, once a search has been specified, it can be convenient to extract either a number of values, or all the values:

def Many.take : Nat → Many α → List α
  | 0, _ => []
  | _ + 1, Many.none => []
  | n + 1, Many.more x xs => x :: (xs ()).take n

def Many.takeAll : Many α → List α
  | Many.none => []
  | Many.more x xs => x :: (xs ()).takeAll

A Monad Many instance requires a bind operator. In a nondeterministic search, sequencing two operations consists of taking all possibilities from the first step and running the rest of the program on each of them, taking the union of the results. In other words, if the first step returns three possible answers, the second step needs to be tried for all three. Because the second step can return any number of answers for each input, taking their union represents the entire search space.

def Many.bind : Many α → (α → Many β) → Many β
  | Many.none, _ =>
  | Many.more x xs, f =>
    (f x).union (bind (xs ()) f)

Many.one and Many.bind obey the monad contract. To check that Many.bind (Many.one v) f is the same as f v, start by evaluating the expression as far as possible:

Many.bind (Many.one v) f
Many.bind (Many.more v (fun () => Many.none)) f
(f v).union (Many.bind Many.none f)
(f v).union Many.none

The empty multiset is a right identity of union, so the answer is equivalent to f v. To check that Many.bind v Many.one is the same as v, consider that bind takes the union of applying Many.one to each element of v. In other words, if v has the form {v1, v2, v3, ..., vn}, then Many.bind v Many.one is {v1} ∪ {v2} ∪ {v3} ∪ ... ∪ {vn}, which is {v1, v2, v3, ..., vn}.

Finally, to check that Many.bind is associative, check that Many.bind (Many.bind bind v f) g is the same as Many.bind v (fun x => Many.bind (f x) g). If v has the form {v1, v2, v3, ..., vn}, then:

Many.bind v f
f v1 ∪ f v2 ∪ f v3 ∪ ... ∪ f vn

which means that

Many.bind (Many.bind bind v f) g
Many.bind (f v1) g ∪
Many.bind (f v2) g ∪
Many.bind (f v3) g ∪
... ∪
Many.bind (f vn) g


Many.bind v (fun x => Many.bind (f x) g)
(fun x => Many.bind (f x) g) v1 ∪
(fun x => Many.bind (f x) g) v2 ∪
(fun x => Many.bind (f x) g) v3 ∪
... ∪
(fun x => Many.bind (f x) g) vn
Many.bind (f v1) g ∪
Many.bind (f v2) g ∪
Many.bind (f v3) g ∪
... ∪
Many.bind (f vn) g

Thus, both sides are equal, so Many.bind is associative.

The resulting monad instance is:

instance : Monad Many where
  pure := Many.one
  bind := Many.bind

An example search using this monad finds all the combinations of numbers in a list that add to 15:

def addsTo (goal : Nat) : List Nat → Many (List Nat)
  | [] =>
    if goal == 0 then
      pure []
  | x :: xs =>
    if x > goal then
      addsTo goal xs
      (addsTo goal xs).union
        (addsTo (goal - x) xs >>= fun answer =>
         pure (x :: answer))

The search process is recursive over the list. The empty list is a successful search when the goal is 0; otherwise, it fails. When the list is non-empty, there are two possibilities: either the head of the list is greater than the goal, in which case it cannot participate in any successful searches, or it is not, in which case it can. If the head of the list is not a candidate, then the search proceeds to the tail of the list. If the head is a candidate, then there are two possibilities to be combined with Many.union: either the solutions found contain the head, or they do not. The solutions that do not contain the head are found with a recursive call on the tail, while the solutions that do contain it result from subtracting the head from the goal, and then attaching the head to the solutions that result from the recursive call.

Returning to the arithmetic evaluator that produces multisets of results, the both and neither operators can be written as follows:

inductive NeedsSearch
  | div
  | choose

def applySearch : NeedsSearch → Int → Int → Many Int
  | NeedsSearch.choose, x, y =>
    Many.fromList [x, y]
  | NeedsSearch.div, x, y =>
    if y == 0 then
    else Many.one (x / y)

Using these operators, the earlier examples can be evaluated:

open Expr Prim NeedsSearch

#eval (evaluateM applySearch (prim plus (const 1) (prim (other choose) (const 2) (const 5)))).takeAll
[3, 6]
#eval (evaluateM applySearch (prim plus (const 1) (prim (other div) (const 2) (const 0)))).takeAll
#eval (evaluateM applySearch (prim (other div) (const 90) (prim plus (prim (other choose) (const (-5)) (const 5)) (const 5)))).takeAll

Custom Environments

The evaluator can be made user-extensible by allowing strings to be used as operators, and then providing a mapping from strings to a function that implements them. For example, users could extend the evaluator with a remainder operator or with one that returns the maximum of its two arguments. The mapping from function names to function implementations is called an environment.

The environments needs to be passed in each recursive call. Initially, it might seem that evaluateM needs an extra argument to hold the environment, and that this argument should be passed to each recursive invocation. However, passing an argument like this is another form of monad, so an appropriate Monad instance allows the evaluator to be used unchanged.

Using functions as a monad is typically called a reader monad. When evaluating expressions in the reader monad, the following rules are used:

  • Constants \( n \) evaluate to constant functions \( λ e . n \),
  • Arithmetic operators evaluate to functions that pass their arguments on, so \( f + g \) evaluates to \( λ e . f(e) + g(e) \), and
  • Custom operators evaluate to the result of applying the custom operator to the arguments, so \( f \ \mathrm{OP}\ g \) evaluates to \[ λ e . \begin{cases} h(f(e), g(e)) & \mathrm{if}\ e\ \mathrm{contains}\ (\mathrm{OP}, h) \\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{cases} \] with \( 0 \) serving as a fallback in case an unknown operator is applied.

To define the reader monad in Lean, the first step is to define the Reader type and the effect that allows users to get ahold of the environment:

def Reader (ρ : Type) (α : Type) : Type := ρ → α

def read : Reader ρ ρ := fun env => env

By convention, the Greek letter ρ, which is pronounced "rho", is used for environments.

The fact that constants in arithmetic expressions evaluate to constant functions suggests that the appropriate definition of pure for Reader is a a constant function:

def Reader.pure (x : α) : Reader ρ α := fun _ => x

On the other hand, bind is a bit tricker. Its type is Reader ρ α → (α → Reader ρ β) → Reader ρ β. This type can be easier to understand by expanding the definitions of Reader, which yields (ρ → α) → (α → ρ → β) → ρ → β. It should take an environment-accepting function as its first argument, while the second argument should transform the result of the environment-accepting function into yet another environment-accepting function. The result of combining these is itself a function, waiting for an environment.

It's possible to use Lean interactively to get help writing this function. The first step is to write down the arguments and return type, being very explicit in order to get as much help as possible, with an underscore for the definition's body:

def Reader.bind {ρ : Type} {α : Type} {β : Type}
  (result : ρ → α) (next : α → ρ → β) : ρ → β :=

Lean provides a message that describes which variables are available in scope, and the type that's expected for the result. The symbol, called a turnstile due to its resemblance to subway entrances, separates the local variables from the desired type, which is ρ → β in this message:

don't know how to synthesize placeholder
ρ α β : Type
result : ρ → α
next : α → ρ → β
⊢ ρ → β

Because the return type is a function, a good first step is to wrap a fun around the underscore:

def Reader.bind {ρ : Type} {α : Type} {β : Type}
  (result : ρ → α) (next : α → ρ → β) : ρ → β :=
  fun env => _

The resulting message now shows the function's argument as a local variable:

don't know how to synthesize placeholder
ρ α β : Type
result : ρ → α
next : α → ρ → β
env : ρ
⊢ β

The only thing in the context that can produce a β is next, and it will require two arguments to do so. Each argument can itself be an underscore:

def Reader.bind {ρ : Type} {α : Type} {β : Type}
  (result : ρ → α) (next : α → ρ → β) : ρ → β :=
  fun env => next _ _

The two underscores have the following respective messages associated with them:

don't know how to synthesize placeholder
ρ α β : Type
result : ρ → α
next : α → ρ → β
env : ρ
⊢ α
don't know how to synthesize placeholder
ρ α β : Type
result : ρ → α
next : α → ρ → β
env : ρ
⊢ ρ

Attacking the first underscore, only one thing in the context can produce an α, namely result:

def Reader.bind {ρ : Type} {α : Type} {β : Type}
  (result : ρ → α) (next : α → ρ → β) : ρ → β :=
  fun env => next (result _) _

Now, both underscores have the same error:

don't know how to synthesize placeholder
ρ α β : Type
result : ρ → α
next : α → ρ → β
env : ρ
⊢ ρ

Happily, both underscores can be replaced by env, yielding:

def Reader.bind {ρ : Type} {α : Type} {β : Type}
  (result : ρ → α) (next : α → ρ → β) : ρ → β :=
  fun env => next (result env) env

The final version can be obtained by undoing the expansion of Reader and cleaning up the explicit details:

def Reader.bind (result : Reader ρ α) (next : α → Reader ρ β) : Reader ρ β :=
  fun env => next (result env) env

It's not always possible to write correct functions by simply "following the types", and it carries the risk of not understanding the resulting program. However, it can also be easier to understand a program that has been written than one that has not, and the process of filling in the underscores can bring insights. In this case, Reader.bind works just like bind for Id, except it accepts an additional argument that it then passes down to its arguments, and this intuition can help in understanding how it works.

Reader.pure, which generates constant functions, and Reader.bind obey the monad contract. To check that Reader.bind (Reader.pure v) f is the same as f v, it's enough to replace definitions until the last step:

Reader.bind (Reader.pure v) f
fun env => f ((Reader.pure v) env) env
fun env => f ((fun _ => v) env) env
fun env => f v env
f v

For every function f, fun x => f x is the same as f, so the first part of the contract is satisfied. To check that Reader.bind r Reader.pure is the same as r, a similar technique works:

Reader.bind r Reader.pure
fun env => Reader.pure (r env) env
fun env => (fun _ => (r env)) env
fun env => r env

Because reader actions r are themselves functions, this is the same as r. To check associativity, the same thing can be done for both Reader.bind (Reader.bind r f) g and Reader.bind r (fun x => Reader.bind (f x) g):

Reader.bind (Reader.bind r f) g
fun env => g ((Reader.bind r f) env) env
fun env => g ((fun env' => f (r env') env') env) env
fun env => g (f (r env) env) env
Reader.bind r (fun x => Reader.bind (f x) g)
Reader.bind r (fun x => fun env => g (f x env) env)
fun env => (fun x => fun env' => g (f x env') env') (r env) env
fun env => (fun env' => g (f (r env) env') env') env
fun env => g (f (r env) env) env

Thus, a Monad (Reader ρ) instance is justified:

instance : Monad (Reader ρ) where
  pure x := fun _ => x
  bind x f := fun env => f (x env) env

The custom environments that will be passed to the expression evaluator can be represented as lists of pairs:

abbrev Env : Type := List (String × (Int → Int → Int))

For instance, exampleEnv contains maximum and modulus functions:

def exampleEnv : Env := [("max", max), ("mod", (· % ·))]

Lean already has a function List.lookup that finds the value associated with a key in a list of pairs, so applyPrimReader needs only check whether the custom function is present in the environment. It returns 0 if the function is unknown:

def applyPrimReader (op : String) (x : Int) (y : Int) : Reader Env Int :=
  read >>= fun env =>
  match env.lookup op with
  | none => pure 0
  | some f => pure (f x y)

Using evaluateM with applyPrimReader and an expression results in a function that expects an environment. Luckily, exampleEnv is available:

open Expr Prim in
#eval evaluateM applyPrimReader (prim (other "max") (prim plus (const 5) (const 4)) (prim times (const 3) (const 2))) exampleEnv

Like Many, Reader is an example of an effect that is difficult to encode in most languages, but type classes and monads make it just as convenient as any other effect. The dynamic or special variables found in Common Lisp, Clojure, and Emacs Lisp can be used like Reader. Similarly, Scheme and Racket's parameter objects are an effect that exactly correspond to Reader. The Kotlin idiom of context objects can solve a similar problem, but they are fundamentally a means of passing function arguments automatically, so this idiom is more like the encoding as a reader monad than it is an effect in the language.


Checking Contracts

Check the monad contract for State σ and Except ε.

Readers with Failure

Adapt the reader monad example so that it can also indicate failure when the custom operator is not defined, rather than just returning zero. In other words, given these definitions:

def ReaderOption (ρ : Type) (α : Type) : Type := ρ → Option α

def ReaderExcept (ε : Type) (ρ : Type) (α : Type) : Type := ρ → Except ε α

do the following:

  1. Write suitable pure and bind functions
  2. Check that these functions satisfy the Monad contract
  3. Write Monad instances for ReaderOption and ReaderExcept
  4. Define suitable applyPrim operators and test them with evaluateM on some example expressions

A Tracing Evaluator

The WithLog type can be used with the evaluator to add optional tracing of some operations. In particular, the type ToTrace can serve as a signal to trace a given operator:

inductive ToTrace (α : Type) : Type where
  | trace : α → ToTrace α

For the tracing evaluator, expressions should have type Expr (Prim (ToTrace (Prim Empty))). This says that the operators in the expression consist of addition, subtraction, and multiplication, augmented with traced versions of each. The innermost argument is Empty to signal that there are no further special operators inside of trace, only the three basic ones.

Do the following:

  1. Implement a Monad (WithLog logged) instance
  2. Write an applyTraced function to apply traced operators to their arguments, logging both the operator and the arguments, with type ToTrace (Prim Empty) → Int → Int → WithLog (Prim Empty × Int × Int) Int

If the exercise has been completed correctly, then

open Expr Prim ToTrace in
#eval evaluateM applyTraced (prim (other (trace times)) (prim (other (trace plus)) (const 1) (const 2)) (prim (other (trace minus)) (const 3) (const 4)))

should result in

{ log := [(Prim.plus, 1, 2), (Prim.minus, 3, 4), (Prim.times, 3, -1)], val := -3 }

Hint: values of type Prim Empty will appear in the resulting log. In order to display them as a result of #eval, the following instances are required:

deriving instance Repr for WithLog
deriving instance Repr for Empty
deriving instance Repr for Prim