

Linters for Mathlib #

In this file we define additional linters for mathlib.

Perhaps these should be moved to Batteries in the future.

Linter that checks whether a structure should be in Prop.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For

    dupNamespace linter #

    The dupNamespace linter produces a warning when a declaration contains the same namespace at least twice consecutively.

    For instance, and One.two.two trigger a warning, while Nat.One.Nat does not.

    The dupNamespace linter is set on by default. Lean emits a warning on any declaration that contains the same namespace at least twice consecutively.

    For instance, and One.two.two trigger a warning, while Nat.One.Nat does not.

    Note. This linter will not detect duplication in namespaces of autogenerated declarations (other than the one whose declId is present in the source declaration).

    getIds stx extracts the declId nodes from the Syntax stx. If stx is an alias or an export, then it extracts an ident, instead of a declId.

    The dupNamespace linter is set on by default. Lean emits a warning on any declaration that contains the same namespace at least twice consecutively.

    For instance, and One.two.two trigger a warning, while Nat.One.Nat does not.

    Note. This linter will not detect duplication in namespaces of autogenerated declarations (other than the one whose declId is present in the source declaration).

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For