

Lemmas about booleans #

These are the lemmas about booleans which were present in core Lean 3. See also the file Mathlib.Data.Bool.Basic which contains lemmas about booleans from mathlib 3.

theorem Bool.decide_iff (p : Prop) [d : Decidable p] :
theorem Bool.decide_true {p : Prop} [Decidable p] :
pdecide p = true
theorem Bool.bool_eq_false {b : Bool} :
¬b = trueb = false
theorem Bool.decide_false_iff (p : Prop) :
∀ {x : Decidable p}, decide p = false ¬p
theorem Bool.decide_congr {p : Prop} {q : Prop} [Decidable p] [Decidable q] (h : p q) :
theorem Bool.coe_or_iff (a : Bool) (b : Bool) :
(a || b) = true a = true b = true
theorem Bool.coe_and_iff (a : Bool) (b : Bool) :
(a && b) = true a = true b = true
theorem Bool.coe_xor_iff (a : Bool) (b : Bool) :
xor a b = true Xor' (a = true) (b = true)