

Complex trigonometric functions #

Basic facts and derivatives for the complex trigonometric functions.

theorem Complex.hasStrictDerivAt_tan {x : } (h : x.cos 0) :
theorem Complex.hasDerivAt_tan {x : } (h : x.cos 0) :
HasDerivAt Complex.tan (1 / x.cos ^ 2) x
theorem Complex.tendsto_abs_tan_of_cos_eq_zero {x : } (hx : x.cos = 0) :
Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : ) => Complex.abs x.tan) (nhdsWithin x {x}) Filter.atTop
theorem Complex.tendsto_abs_tan_atTop (k : ) :
Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : ) => Complex.abs x.tan) (nhdsWithin ((2 * k + 1) * Real.pi / 2) {(2 * k + 1) * Real.pi / 2}) Filter.atTop
theorem Complex.deriv_tan (x : ) :
deriv Complex.tan x = 1 / x.cos ^ 2