

Power operations on monoids with zero, semirings, and rings #

This file provides additional lemmas about the natural power operator on rings and semirings. Further lemmas about ordered semirings and rings can be found in Algebra.GroupPower.Order.

def powMonoidWithZeroHom {M : Type u_3} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {n : } (hn : n 0) :

We define x ↦ x^n (for positive n : ℕ) as a MonoidWithZeroHom

Instances For
    theorem coe_powMonoidWithZeroHom {M : Type u_3} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {n : } (hn : n 0) :
    (powMonoidWithZeroHom hn) = fun (x : M) => x ^ n
    theorem powMonoidWithZeroHom_apply {M : Type u_3} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {n : } (hn : n 0) (a : M) :
    theorem pow_dvd_pow_iff {R : Type u_1} [CancelCommMonoidWithZero R] {x : R} {n : } {m : } (h0 : x 0) (h1 : ¬IsUnit x) :
    x ^ n x ^ m n m