

SatisfiesM #

The SatisfiesM predicate works over an arbitrary (lawful) monad / applicative / functor, and enables Hoare-like reasoning over monadic expressions. For example, given a monadic function f : α → m β, to say that the return value of f satisfies Q whenever the input satisfies P, we write ∀ a, P a → SatisfiesM Q (f a).

Notes #

SatisfiesM is not yet a satisfactory solution for verifying the behaviour of large scale monadic programs. Such a solution would allow ergonomic reasoning about large do blocks, with convenient mechanisms for introducing invariants and loop conditions as needed.

It is possible that in the future SatiesfiesM will become part of such a solution, presumably requiring more syntactic support (and smarter do blocks) from Lean. Or it may be that such a solution will look different! This is an open research program, and for now one should not be overly ambitious using SatisfiesM.

In particular lemmas about pure operations on data structures in batteries except for HashMap should avoid SatisfiesM for now, so that it is easy to migrate to other approaches in future.

def SatisfiesM {α : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [Functor m] (p : αProp) (x : m α) :

SatisfiesM p (x : m α) lifts propositions over a monad. It asserts that x may as well have the type x : m {a // p a}, because there exists some m {a // p a} whose image is x. So p is the postcondition of the monadic value.

Instances For
    theorem SatisfiesM.of_true {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {p : αProp} [Applicative m] [LawfulApplicative m] {x : m α} (h : ∀ (a : α), p a) :

    If p is always true, then every x satisfies it.

    theorem SatisfiesM.trivial {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} [Applicative m] [LawfulApplicative m] {x : m α} :
    SatisfiesM (fun (x : α) => True) x

    If p is always true, then every x satisfies it. (This is the strongest postcondition version of of_true.)

    theorem SatisfiesM.imp {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {p : αProp} {q : αProp} [Functor m] [LawfulFunctor m] {x : m α} (h : SatisfiesM p x) (H : ∀ {a : α}, p aq a) :

    The SatisfiesM p x predicate is monotonic in p.

    theorem {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {p : αProp} :
    ∀ {α_1 : Type u_1} {q : α_1Prop} {f : αα_1} [inst : Functor m] [inst_1 : LawfulFunctor m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM p x(∀ {a : α}, p aq (f a))SatisfiesM q (f <$> x)

    SatisfiesM distributes over <$>, general version.

    theorem SatisfiesM.map_post {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {p : αProp} :
    ∀ {α_1 : Type u_1} {f : αα_1} [inst : Functor m] [inst_1 : LawfulFunctor m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM p xSatisfiesM (fun (b : α_1) => ∃ (a : α), p a b = f a) (f <$> x)

    SatisfiesM distributes over <$>, strongest postcondition version. (Use this for reasoning forward from assumptions.)

    theorem SatisfiesM.map_pre {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} :
    ∀ {α_1 : Type u_1} {p : α_1Prop} {f : αα_1} [inst : Functor m] [inst_1 : LawfulFunctor m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM (fun (a : α) => p (f a)) xSatisfiesM p (f <$> x)

    SatisfiesM distributes over <$>, weakest precondition version. (Use this for reasoning backward from the goal.)

    theorem SatisfiesM.mapConst {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {q : αProp} :
    ∀ {α_1 : Type u_1} {p : α_1Prop} {a : α_1} [inst : Functor m] [inst_1 : LawfulFunctor m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM q x(∀ {b : α}, q bp a)SatisfiesM p (Functor.mapConst a x)

    SatisfiesM distributes over mapConst, general version.

    theorem SatisfiesM.pure {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} :
    ∀ {α : Type u_1} {p : αProp} {a : α} [inst : Applicative m] [inst_1 : LawfulApplicative m], p aSatisfiesM p (pure a)

    SatisfiesM distributes over pure, general version / weakest precondition version.

    theorem SatisfiesM.seq {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} :
    ∀ {α_1 : Type u_1} {p₁ : (αα_1)Prop} {f : m (αα_1)} {p₂ : αProp} {q : α_1Prop} [inst : Applicative m] [inst_1 : LawfulApplicative m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM p₁ fSatisfiesM p₂ x(∀ {f : αα_1} {a : α}, p₁ fp₂ aq (f a))SatisfiesM q (Seq.seq f fun (x_1 : Unit) => x)

    SatisfiesM distributes over <*>, general version.

    theorem SatisfiesM.seq_post {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} :
    ∀ {α_1 : Type u_1} {p₁ : (αα_1)Prop} {f : m (αα_1)} {p₂ : αProp} [inst : Applicative m] [inst_1 : LawfulApplicative m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM p₁ fSatisfiesM p₂ xSatisfiesM (fun (c : α_1) => ∃ (f : αα_1), ∃ (a : α), p₁ f p₂ a c = f a) (Seq.seq f fun (x_1 : Unit) => x)

    SatisfiesM distributes over <*>, strongest postcondition version.

    theorem SatisfiesM.seq_pre {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {p₂ : αProp} :
    ∀ {α_1 : Type u_1} {q : α_1Prop} {f : m (αα_1)} [inst : Applicative m] [inst_1 : LawfulApplicative m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM (fun (f : αα_1) => ∀ {a : α}, p₂ aq (f a)) fSatisfiesM p₂ xSatisfiesM q (Seq.seq f fun (x_1 : Unit) => x)

    SatisfiesM distributes over <*>, weakest precondition version 1. (Use this when x and the goal are known and f is a subgoal.)

    theorem SatisfiesM.seq_pre' {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} :
    ∀ {α_1 : Type u_1} {p₁ : (αα_1)Prop} {f : m (αα_1)} {q : α_1Prop} [inst : Applicative m] [inst_1 : LawfulApplicative m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM p₁ fSatisfiesM (fun (a : α) => ∀ {f : αα_1}, p₁ fq (f a)) xSatisfiesM q (Seq.seq f fun (x_1 : Unit) => x)

    SatisfiesM distributes over <*>, weakest precondition version 2. (Use this when f and the goal are known and x is a subgoal.)

    theorem SatisfiesM.seqLeft {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {p₁ : αProp} :
    ∀ {a : Type u_1} {p₂ : aProp} {y : m a} {q : αProp} [inst : Applicative m] [inst_1 : LawfulApplicative m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM p₁ xSatisfiesM p₂ y(∀ {a_1 : α} {b : a}, p₁ a_1p₂ bq a_1)SatisfiesM q (SeqLeft.seqLeft x fun (x : Unit) => y)

    SatisfiesM distributes over <*, general version.

    theorem SatisfiesM.seqRight {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {p₁ : αProp} :
    ∀ {a : Type u_1} {p₂ : aProp} {y : m a} {q : aProp} [inst : Applicative m] [inst_1 : LawfulApplicative m] {x : m α}, SatisfiesM p₁ xSatisfiesM p₂ y(∀ {a_1 : α} {b : a}, p₁ a_1p₂ bq b)SatisfiesM q (SeqRight.seqRight x fun (x : Unit) => y)

    SatisfiesM distributes over *>, general version.

    theorem SatisfiesM.bind {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_1} {p : αProp} {x : m α} {q : βProp} [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] {f : αm β} (hx : SatisfiesM p x) (hf : ∀ (a : α), p aSatisfiesM q (f a)) :
    SatisfiesM q (x >>= f)

    SatisfiesM distributes over >>=, general version.

    theorem SatisfiesM.bind_pre {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_1} {q : βProp} {x : m α} [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] {f : αm β} (hx : SatisfiesM (fun (a : α) => SatisfiesM q (f a)) x) :
    SatisfiesM q (x >>= f)

    SatisfiesM distributes over >>=, weakest precondition version.

    theorem SatisfiesM_Id_eq :
    ∀ {type : Type u_1} {p : typeProp} {x : Id type}, SatisfiesM p x p x
    theorem SatisfiesM_Option_eq :
    ∀ {α : Type u_1} {p : αProp} {x : Option α}, SatisfiesM p x ∀ (a : α), x = some ap a
    theorem SatisfiesM_Except_eq {ε : Type u_1} :
    ∀ {α : Type u_2} {p : αProp} {x : Except ε α}, SatisfiesM p x ∀ (a : α), x = Except.ok ap a
    theorem SatisfiesM_ReaderT_eq {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {ρ : Type u_1} :
    ∀ {α : Type u_1} {p : αProp} {x : ReaderT ρ m α} [inst : Monad m], SatisfiesM p x ∀ (s : ρ), SatisfiesM p (x s)
    theorem SatisfiesM_StateRefT_eq {m : TypeType} {ω : Type} {σ : Type} :
    ∀ {α : Type} {p : αProp} {x : StateRefT' ω σ m α} [inst : Monad m], SatisfiesM p x ∀ (s : ST.Ref ω σ), SatisfiesM p (x s)
    theorem SatisfiesM_StateT_eq {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {ρ : Type u_1} {p : αProp} {x : StateT ρ m α} [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] :
    SatisfiesM p x ∀ (s : ρ), SatisfiesM (fun (x : α × ρ) => p x.fst) (x s)
    theorem SatisfiesM_ExceptT_eq {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {α : Type u_1} {ρ : Type u_1} {p : αProp} {x : ExceptT ρ m α} [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] :
    SatisfiesM p x SatisfiesM (fun (x : Except ρ α) => ∀ (a : α), x = Except.ok ap a) x