5. Tactics

In this chapter, we describe an alternative approach to constructing proofs, using tactics. A proof term is a representation of a mathematical proof; tactics are commands, or instructions, that describe how to build such a proof. Informally, we might begin a mathematical proof by saying “to prove the forward direction, unfold the definition, apply the previous lemma, and simplify.” Just as these are instructions that tell the reader how to find the relevant proof, tactics are instructions that tell Lean how to construct a proof term. They naturally support an incremental style of writing proofs, in which users decompose a proof and work on goals one step at a time.

We will describe proofs that consist of sequences of tactics as “tactic-style” proofs, to contrast with the ways of writing proof terms we have seen so far, which we will call “term-style” proofs. Each style has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, tactic-style proofs can be harder to read, because they require the reader to predict or guess the results of each instruction. But they can also be shorter and easier to write. Moreover, tactics offer a gateway to using Lean’s automation, since automated procedures are themselves tactics.

5.1. Entering Tactic Mode

Conceptually, stating a theorem or introducing a have statement creates a goal, namely, the goal of constructing a term with the expected type. For example, the following creates the goal of constructing a term of type p q p, in a context with constants p q : Prop, hp : p and hq : q:

theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p  q  p :=

We can write this goal as follows:

p : Prop, q : Prop, hp : p, hq : q ⊢ p ∧ q ∧ p

Indeed, if you replace the “sorry” by an underscore in the example above, Lean will report that it is exactly this goal that has been left unsolved.

Ordinarily, we meet such a goal by writing an explicit term. But wherever a term is expected, Lean allows us to insert instead a begin ... end block, followed by a sequence of commands, separated by commas. We can prove the theorem above in that way:

theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p  q  p :=
  apply and.intro,
  exact hp,
  apply and.intro,
  exact hq,
  exact hp

The apply tactic applies an expression, viewed as denoting a function with zero or more arguments. It unifies the conclusion with the expression in the current goal, and creates new goals for the remaining arguments, provided that no later arguments depend on them. In the example above, the command apply and.intro yields two subgoals:

p : Prop,
q : Prop,
hp : p,
hq : q
⊢ p

⊢ q ∧ p

For brevity, Lean only displays the context for the first goal, which is the one addressed by the next tactic command. The first goal is met with the command exact hp. The exact command is just a variant of apply which signals that the expression given should fill the goal exactly. It is good form to use it in a tactic proof, since its failure signals that something has gone wrong. It is also more robust than apply, since the elaborator takes the expected type, given by the target of the goal, into account when processing the expression that is being applied. In this case, however, apply would work just as well.

You can see the resulting proof term with the #print command:

#print test

You can write a tactic script incrementally. In VS Code, you can open a window to display messages by pressing Ctrl-Shift-Enter, and that window will then show you the current goal whenever the cursor is in a tactic block. In Emacs, you can see the goal at the end of any line by pressing C-c C-g, or see the remaining goal in an incomplete proof by putting the cursor on the end symbol.

Tactic commands can take compound expressions, not just single identifiers. The following is a shorter version of the preceding proof:

theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p  q  p :=
  apply and.intro hp,
  exact and.intro hq hp

Unsurprisingly, it produces exactly the same proof term.

#print test

Tactic applications can also be concatenated with a semicolon. Formally speaking, there is only one (compound) step in the following proof:

theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p  q  p :=
  apply and.intro hp; exact and.intro hq hp

See Section 5.5 for a more precise description of the semantics of the semicolon. When a single tactic step can be used to dispell a goal, you can use the by keyword instead of using a begin...end block.

theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p  q  p :=
by exact and.intro hp (and.intro hq hp)

In VS Code, the tactic state will appear in the messages window whenever the cursor is within the contexts of the by. In the Lean Emacs mode, if you put your cursor on the “b” in by and press C-c C-g, Lean shows you the goal that the tactic is supposed to meet.

We will see below that hypotheses can be introduced, reverted, modified, and renamed over the course of a tactic block. As a result, it is impossible for the Lean parser to detect when an identifier that occurs in a tactic block refers to a section variable that should therefore be added to the context. As a result, you need to explicitly tell Lean to include the relevant entities:

variables {p q : Prop} (hp : p) (hq : q)

include hp hq

example : p  q  p :=
  apply and.intro hp,
  exact and.intro hq hp

The include command tells Lean to include the indicated variables (as well as any variables they depend on) from that point on, until the end of the section or file. To limit the effect of an include, you can use the omit command afterwards:

include hp hq

example : p  q  p :=
  apply and.intro hp,
  exact and.intro hq hp

omit hp hq

Thereafter, hp and hq are no longer included by default. Alternatively, you can use a section to delimit the scope.

include hp hq

example : p  q  p :=
  apply and.intro hp,
  exact and.intro hq hp

Once again, thereafter, hp and hq are no longer included by default. Another workaround is to find a way to refer to the variable in question before entering a tactic block:

example : p  q  p :=
let hp := hp, hq := hq in
  apply and.intro hp,
  exact and.intro hq hp

Any mention of hp or hq at all outside a tactic block will cause them to be added to the hypotheses.

5.2. Basic Tactics

In addition to apply and exact, another useful tactic is intro, which introduces a hypothesis. What follows is an example of an identity from propositional logic that we proved Section 3.6, now proved using tactics. We adopt the following convention regarding indentation: whenever a tactic introduces one or more additional subgoals, we indent another two spaces, until the additional subgoals are deleted. That rationale behind this convention, and other structuring mechanisms, will be discussed in Section 5.4 below.

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  apply iff.intro,
    intro h,
    apply or.elim (and.right h),
      intro hq,
      apply or.inl,
      apply and.intro,
        exact and.left h,
      exact hq,
    intro hr,
    apply or.inr,
    apply and.intro,
      exact and.left h,
    exact hr,
  intro h,
  apply or.elim h,
    intro hpq,
    apply and.intro,
      exact and.left hpq,
    apply or.inl,
    exact and.right hpq,
  intro hpr,
  apply and.intro,
    exact and.left hpr,
  apply or.inr,
  exact and.right hpr

The intro command can more generally be used to introduce a variable of any type:

example (α : Type*) : α  α :=
  intro a,
  exact a

example (α : Type*) :  x : α, x = x :=
  intro x,
  exact eq.refl x

It has a plural form, intros, which takes a list of names.

example :  a b c : , a = b  a = c  c = b :=
  intros a b c h₁ h₂,
  exact eq.trans (eq.symm h₂) h₁

The intros command can also be used without any arguments, in which case, it chooses names and introduces as many variables as it can. We will see an example of this in a moment.

The assumption tactic looks through the assumptions in context of the current goal, and if there is one matching the conclusion, it applies it.

variables x y z w : 

example (h₁ : x = y) (h₂ : y = z) (h₃ : z = w) : x = w :=
  apply eq.trans h₁,
  apply eq.trans h₂,
  assumption   -- applied h₃

It will unify metavariables in the conclusion if necessary:

example (h₁ : x = y) (h₂ : y = z) (h₃ : z = w) : x = w :=
  apply eq.trans,
  assumption,     -- solves x = ?m_1 with h₁
  apply eq.trans,
  assumption,     -- solves y = ?m_1 with h₂
  assumption      -- solves z = w with h₃

The following example uses the intros command to introduce the three variables and two hypotheses automatically:

example :  a b c : , a = b  a = c  c = b :=
  apply eq.trans,
  apply eq.symm,

There are tactics reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity, which apply the corresponding operation. Using reflexivity, for example, is more general than writing apply eq.refl, because it works for any relation that has been tagged with the refl attribute. (Attributes will be discussed in Section 6.4.) The reflexivity tactic can also be abbreviated as refl.

example (y : ) : (λ x : , 0) y = 0 :=

example (x : ) : x  x :=

With these tactics, the transitivity proof above can be written more elegantly as follows:

example :  a b c : , a = b  a = c  c = b :=

In each case, the use of transitivity introduces a metavariable for the middle term, which is then determined by the later tactics. Alternatively, we can send this middle term as an optional argument to transitivity:

example :  a b c : , a = b  a = c  c = b :=
  intros a b c h₁ h₂,
  transitivity a,

The repeat combinator can be used to simplify the last two lines:

example :  a b c : , a = b  a = c  c = b :=
  apply eq.trans,
  apply eq.symm,
  repeat { assumption }

The curly braces introduce a new tactic block; they are equivalent to using a nested begin ... end pair, as discussed in the next section.

If some of the goals that are needed to complete the result of an apply depend on others, the apply tactic places those subgoals last, in the hopes that they will be solved implicitly by the solutions to the previous subgoals. For example, consider the following proof:

example :  a : , 5 = a :=
  apply exists.intro,

The first apply requires us to construct two values, namely, a value of a and a proof that 5 = a. But the apply tactic takes the second goal to be the more important one, and places it first. Solving it with reflexivity forces a to be instantiated to 5, at which point, the second goal is solved automatically.

Sometimes, however, we want to synthesize the necessary arguments in the order that they appear. For that purpose there is a variant of apply called fapply:

example :  a : , a = a :=
  fapply exists.intro,
  exact 0,

Here, the command fapply exists.intro leaves two goals. The first requires us to provide a natural number, a, and the second requires us to prove that a = a. The second goal depends on the first, so solving the first goal instantiates a metavariable in the second goal, which we then prove with reflexivity.

Another tactic that is sometimes useful is the revert tactic, which is, in a sense, an inverse to intro.

example (x : ) : x = x :=
  revert x,
  -- goal is ⊢ ∀ (x : ℕ), x = x
  intro y,
  -- goal is y : ℕ ⊢ y = y

Moving a hypothesis into the goal yields an implication:

example (x y : ) (h : x = y) : y = x :=
  revert h,
  -- goal is x y : ℕ ⊢ x = y → y = x
  intro h₁,
  -- goal is x y : ℕ, h₁ : x = y ⊢ y = x

But revert is even more clever, in that it will revert not only an element of the context but also all the subsequent elements of the context that depend on it. For example, reverting x in the example above brings h along with it:

example (x y : ) (h : x = y) : y = x :=
  revert x,
  -- goal is y : ℕ ⊢ ∀ (x : ℕ), x = y → y = x

You can also revert multiple elements of the context at once:

example (x y : ) (h : x = y) : y = x :=
  revert x y,
  -- goal is ⊢ ∀ (x y : ℕ), x = y → y = x

You can only revert an element of the local context, that is, a local variable or hypothesis. But you can replace an arbitrary expression in the goal by a fresh variable using the generalize tactic.

example : 3 = 3 :=
  generalize : 3 = x,
  -- goal is x : ℕ ⊢ x = x,
  revert x,
  -- goal is ⊢ ∀ (x : ℕ), x = x
  intro y, reflexivity

The mnemonic in the notation above is that you are generalizing the goal by setting 3 to an arbitrary variable x. Be careful: not every generalization preserves the validity of the goal. Here, generalize replaces a goal that could be proved using reflexivity with one that is not provable:

example : 2 + 3 = 5 :=
  generalize : 3 = x,
  -- goal is x : ℕ ⊢ 2 + x = 5,

In this example, the sorry tactic is the analogue of the sorry proof term. It closes the current goal, producing the usual warning that sorry has been used. To preserve the validity of the previous goal, the generalize tactic allows us to record the fact that 3 has been replaced by x. All we need to do is to provide a label, and generalize uses it to store the assignment in the local context:

example : 2 + 3 = 5 :=
  generalize h : 3 = x,
  -- goal is x : ℕ, h : 3 = x ⊢ 2 + x = 5,
  rw h

Here the rewrite tactic, abbreviated rw, uses h to replace x by 3 again. The rewrite tactic will be discussed below.

5.3. More Tactics

Some additional tactics are useful for constructing and destructing propositions and data. For example, when applied to a goal of the form p q, the tactics left and right are equivalent to apply or.inl and apply or.inr, respectively. Conversely, the cases tactic can be used to decompose a disjunction.

example (p q : Prop) : p  q  q  p :=
  intro h,
  cases h with hp hq,
  -- case hp : p
  right, exact hp,
  -- case hq : q
  left, exact hq

After cases h is applied, there are two goals. In the first, the hypothesis h : p q is replaced by hp : p, and in the second, it is replaced by hq : q. The cases tactic can also be used to decompose a conjunction.

example (p q : Prop) : p  q  q  p :=
  intro h,
  cases h with hp hq,
  constructor, exact hq, exact hp

In this example, there is only one goal after the cases tactic is applied, with h : p q replaced by a pair of assumptions, hp : p and hq : q. The constructor tactic applies the unique constructor for conjunction, and.intro. With these tactics, an example from the previous section can be rewritten as follows:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  apply iff.intro,
  intro h,
   cases h with hp hqr,
   cases hqr with hq hr,
     left, constructor, repeat { assumption },
     right, constructor, repeat { assumption },
  intro h,
    cases h with hpq hpr,
      cases hpq with hp hq,
        constructor, exact hp, left, exact hq,
      cases hpr with hp hr,
        constructor, exact hp, right, exact hr

We will see in Chapter 7 that these tactics are quite general. The cases tactic can be used to decompose any element of an inductively defined type; constructor always applies the first constructor of an inductively defined type, and left and right can be used with inductively defined types with exactly two constructors. For example, we can use cases and constructor with an existential quantifier:

example (p q :   Prop) : ( x, p x)   x, p x  q x :=
  intro h,
  cases h with x px,
  constructor, left, exact px

Here, the constructor tactic leaves the first component of the existential assertion, the value of x, implicit. It is represented by a metavariable, which should be instantiated later on. In the previous example, the proper value of the metavariable is determined by the tactic exact px, since px has type p x. If you want to specify a witness to the existential quantifier explicitly, you can use the existsi tactic instead:

example (p q :   Prop) : ( x, p x)   x, p x  q x :=
  intro h,
  cases h with x px,
  existsi x, left, exact px

Here is another example:

example (p q :   Prop) :
  ( x, p x  q x)   x, q x  p x :=
  intro h,
  cases h with x hpq,
  cases hpq with hp hq,
  existsi x,
  split; assumption

Here the semicolon after split tells Lean to apply the assumption tactic to both of the goals that are introduced by splitting the conjunction; see Section 5.5 for more information.

These tactics can be used on data just as well as propositions. In the next two examples, they are used to define functions which swap the components of the product and sum types:

universes u v

def swap_pair {α : Type u} {β : Type v} : α × β  β × α :=
  intro p,
  cases p with ha hb,
  constructor, exact hb, exact ha

def swap_sum {α : Type u} {β : Type v} : α  β  β  α :=
  intro p,
  cases p with ha hb,
    right, exact ha,
    left, exact hb

Note that up to the names we have chosen for the variables, the definitions are identical to the proofs of the analogous propositions for conjunction and disjunction. The cases tactic will also do a case distinction on a natural number:

open nat

example (P :   Prop) (h₀ : P 0) (h₁ :  n, P (succ n)) (m : ) :
  P m :=
  cases m with m', exact h₀, exact h₁ m'

The cases tactic, and its companion, the induction tactic, are discussed in greater detail in Section 7.6.

The contradiction tactic searches for a contradiction among the hypotheses of the current goal:

example (p q : Prop) : p  ¬ p  q :=
  intro h, cases h, contradiction

5.4. Structuring Tactic Proofs

Tactics often provide an efficient way of building a proof, but long sequences of instructions can obscure the structure of the argument. In this section, we describe some means that help provide structure to a tactic-style proof, making such proofs more readable and robust.

One thing that is nice about Lean’s proof-writing syntax is that it is possible to mix term-style and tactic-style proofs, and pass between the two freely. For example, the tactics apply and exact expect arbitrary terms, which you can write using have, show, and so on. Conversely, when writing an arbitrary Lean term, you can always invoke the tactic mode by inserting a begin...end block. The following is a somewhat toy example:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  intro h,
    have hp : p, from h.left,
    have hqr : q  r, from h.right,
    show (p  q)  (p  r),
      cases hqr with hq hr,
        exact or.inl hp, hq⟩,
      exact or.inr hp, hr

The following is a more natural example:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  apply iff.intro,
    intro h,
    cases h.right with hq hr,
      exact or.inl h.left, hq⟩,
    exact or.inr h.left, hr⟩,
  intro h,
  cases h with hpq hpr,
    exact hpq.left, or.inl hpq.right⟩,
  exact hpr.left, or.inr hpr.right

In fact, there is a show tactic, which is the analog of the show keyword in a proof term. It simply declares the type of the goal that is about to be solved, while remaining in tactic mode. Moreover, in tactic mode, from is an alternative name for exact. With the show and from tactics, the previous proof can be written more perspicuously as follows:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  apply iff.intro,
    intro h,
    cases h.right with hq hr,
      show (p  q)  (p  r),
        from or.inl h.left, hq⟩,
      show (p  q)  (p  r),
        from or.inr h.left, hr⟩,
  intro h,
  cases h with hpq hpr,
    show p  (q  r),
      from hpq.left, or.inl hpq.right⟩,
    show p  (q  r),
      from hpr.left, or.inr hpr.right

Alternatively, you can leave off the from and remain in tactic mode:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  apply iff.intro,
    intro h,
    cases h.right with hq hr,
      show (p  q)  (p  r),
        { left, split, exact h.left, assumption },
      show (p  q)  (p  r),
        { right, split, exact h.left, assumption },
  intro h,
  cases h with hpq hpr,
    show p  (q  r),
      { cases hpq, split, assumption, left, assumption },
    show p  (q  r),
      { cases hpr, split, assumption, right, assumption }

The show tactic can actually be used to rewrite a goal to something definitionally equivalent:

example (n : ) : n + 1 = nat.succ n :=
  show nat.succ n = nat.succ n,

In fact, show does a little more work. When there are multiple goals, you can use show to select which goal you want to work on. Thus both proofs below work:

example (p q : Prop) : p  q  q  p :=
  intro h,
  cases h with hp hq,
  show q, from hq,
  show p, from hp

example (p q : Prop) : p  q  q  p :=
  intro h,
  cases h with hp hq,
  show p, from hp,
  show q, from hq

There is also a have tactic, which introduces a new subgoal, just as when writing proof terms:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  intro h,
  cases h with hp hqr,
  show (p  q)  (p  r),
  cases hqr with hq hr,
    have hpq : p  q,
      from and.intro hp hq,
    left, exact hpq,
  have hpr : p  r,
    from and.intro hp hr,
  right, exact hpr

As with show, you can omit the from and stay in tactic mode:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  intro h,
  cases h with hp hqr,
  show (p  q)  (p  r),
  cases hqr with hq hr,
    have hpq : p  q,
      split; assumption,
    left, exact hpq,
  have hpr : p  r,
    split; assumption,
  right, exact hpr

As with proof terms, you can omit the label in the have tactic, in which case, the default label this is used:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  intro h,
  cases h with hp hqr,
  show (p  q)  (p  r),
  cases hqr with hq hr,
    have : p  q,
      split; assumption,
    left, exact this,
  have : p  r,
    split; assumption,
  right, exact this

You can also use the have tactic with the := token, which has the same effect as from:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  intro h,
  have hp : p := h.left,
  have hqr : q  r := h.right,
  show (p  q)  (p  r),
  cases hqr with hq hr,
    exact or.inl hp, hq⟩,
  exact or.inr hp, hr

In this case, the types can be omitted, so we can write have hp := h.left and have hqr := h.right. In fact, with this notation, you can even omit both the type and the label, in which case the new fact is introduced with the label this.

Lean also has a let tactic, which is similar to the have tactic, but is used to introduce local definitions instead of auxiliary facts. It is the tactic analogue of a let in a proof term.

example :  x, x + 2 = 8 :=
  let a :  := 3 * 2,
  existsi a,

As with have, you can leave the type implicit by writing let a := 3 * 2. The difference between let and have is that let introduces a local definition in the context, so that the definition of the local constant can be unfolded in the proof.

For even more structured proofs, you can nest begin...end blocks within other begin...end blocks. In a nested block, Lean focuses on the first goal, and generates an error if it has not been fully solved at the end of the block. This can be helpful in indicating the separate proofs of multiple subgoals introduced by a tactic.

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  apply iff.intro,
    intro h,
    cases h.right with hq hr,
      show (p  q)  (p  r),
        exact or.inl h.left, hq
    show (p  q)  (p  r),
      exact or.inr h.left, hr
  intro h,
  cases h with hpq hpr,
    show p  (q  r),
      exact hpq.left, or.inl hpq.right
  show p  (q  r),
    exact hpr.left, or.inr hpr.right

Here, we have introduced a new begin..end block whenever a tactic leaves more than one subgoal. You can check that at every line in this proof, there is only one goal visible. Notice that you still need to use a comma after a begin...end block when there are remaining goals to be discharged.

Within a begin...end block, you can abbreviate nested occurrences of begin and end with curly braces:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  apply iff.intro,
  { intro h,
    cases h.right with hq hr,
    { show (p  q)  (p  r),
        exact or.inl h.left, hq },
    show (p  q)  (p  r),
      exact or.inr h.left, hr },
  intro h,
  cases h with hpq hpr,
  { show p  (q  r),
      exact hpq.left, or.inl hpq.right },
  show p  (q  r),
    exact hpr.left, or.inr hpr.right

This helps explain the convention on indentation we have adopted here: every time a tactic leaves more than one subgoal, we separate the remaining subgoals by enclosing them in blocks and indenting, until we are back down to one subgoal. Thus if the application of theorem foo to a single goal produces four subgoals, one would expect the proof to look like this:

  apply foo,
  { ... proof of first goal ... },
  { ... proof of second goal ... },
  { ... proof of third goal ... },
  proof of final goal

Another reasonable convention is to enclose all the remaining subgoals in indented blocks, including the last one:

example (p q r : Prop) : p  (q  r)  (p  q)  (p  r) :=
  apply iff.intro,
  { intro h,
    cases h.right with hq hr,
    { show (p  q)  (p  r),
        exact or.inl h.left, hq },
    { show (p  q)  (p  r),
        exact or.inr h.left, hr }},
  { intro h,
    cases h with hpq hpr,
    { show p  (q  r),
        exact hpq.left, or.inl hpq.right },
    { show p  (q  r),
        exact hpr.left, or.inr hpr.right }}

With this convention, the proof using foo described above would look like this:

  apply foo,
  { ... proof of first goal ... },
  { ... proof of second goal ... },
  { ... proof of third goal ... },
  { ... proof of final goal ....}

Both conventions are reasonable. The second convention has the effect that the text in a long proof gradually creeps to the right. Many theorems in mathematics have side conditions that can be dispelled quickly; using the first convention means that the proofs of these side conditions are indented until we return to the “linear” part of the proof.

Combining these various mechanisms makes for nicely structured tactic proofs:

example (p q : Prop) : p  q  q  p :=
  apply iff.intro,
  { intro h,
    have hp : p := h.left,
    have hq : q := h.right,
    show q  p,
      exact hq, hp },
  intro h,
  have hp : p := h.right,
  have hq : q := h.left,
  show p  q,
    exact hp, hq

5.5. Tactic Combinators

Tactic combinators are operations that form new tactics from old ones. A sequencing combinator is already implicit in the commas that appear in a begin...end block:

example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) : p  q :=
begin left, assumption end

This is essentially equivalent to the following:

example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) : p  q :=
by { left, assumption }

Here, { left, assumption } is functionally equivalent to a single tactic which first applies left and then applies assumption.

In an expression t₁; t₂, the semicolon provides a parallel version of the sequencing operation: t₁ is applied to the current goal, and then t₂ is applied to all the resulting subgoals:

example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p  q :=
by split; assumption

This is especially useful when the resulting goals can be finished off in a uniform way, or, at least, when it is possible to make progress on all of them uniformly.

The orelse combinator, denoted <|>, applies one tactic, and then backtracks and applies another one if the first one fails:

example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) : p  q :=
by { left, assumption } <|> { right, assumption}

example (p q : Prop) (hq : q) : p  q :=
by { left, assumption } <|> { right, assumption}

In the first example, the left branch succeeds, whereas in the second one, it is the right one that succeeds. In the next three examples, the same compound tactic succeeds in each case.

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) : p  q  r :=
by repeat { {left, assumption} <|> right <|> assumption }

example (p q r : Prop) (hq : q) : p  q  r :=
by repeat { {left, assumption} <|> right <|> assumption }

example (p q r : Prop) (hr : r) : p  q  r :=
by repeat { {left, assumption} <|> right <|> assumption }

The tactic tries to solve the left disjunct immediately by assumption; if that fails, it tries to focus on the right disjunct; and if that doesn’t work, it invokes the assumption tactic.

Incidentally, a tactic expression is really a formal term in Lean, of type tactic α for some α. Tactics can be defined and then applied later on.

meta def my_tac : tactic unit :=
`[ repeat { {left, assumption} <|> right <|> assumption } ]

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) : p  q  r :=
by my_tac

example (p q r : Prop) (hq : q) : p  q  r :=
by my_tac

example (p q r : Prop) (hr : r) : p  q  r :=
by my_tac

With a begin...end block or after a by, Lean’s parser uses special mechanisms to parse these expressions, but they are similar to ordinary expressions in Lean like x + 2 and list α. (The annotation [...] in the definition of my_tac above invokes the special parsing mechanism here, too.) The book Programming in Lean provides a fuller introduction to writing tactics and installing them for interactive use. The tactic combinators we are discussing here serve as casual entry points to the tactic programming language.

You will have no doubt noticed by now that tactics can fail. Indeed, it is the “failure” state that causes the orelse combinator to backtrack and try the next tactic. The try combinator builds a tactic that always succeeds, though possibly in a trivial way: try t executes t and reports success, even if t fails. It is equivalent to t <|> skip, where skip is a tactic that does nothing (and succeeds in doing so). In the next example, the second split succeeds on the right conjunct q r (remember that disjunction and conjunction associate to the right) but fails on the first. The try tactic ensures that the sequential composition succeeds.

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) :
  p  q  r :=
by split; try {split}; assumption

Be careful: repeat {try t} will loop forever, because the inner tactic never fails.

In a proof, there are often multiple goals outstanding. Parallel sequencing is one way to arrange it so that a single tactic is applied to multiple goals, but there are other ways to do this. For example, all_goals t applies t to all open goals:

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) :
  p  q  r :=
  all_goals { try {split} },
  all_goals { assumption }

In this case, the any_goals tactic provides a more robust solution. It is similar to all_goals, except it fails unless its argument succeeds on at least one goal.

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) :
  p  q  r :=
  any_goals { split },
  any_goals { assumption }

The first tactic in the begin...end block below repeatedly splits conjunctions:

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) :
  p  ((p  q)  r)  (q  r  p) :=
  repeat { any_goals { split }},
  all_goals { assumption }

In fact, we can compress the full tactic down to one line:

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) :
  p  ((p  q)  r)  (q  r  p) :=
by repeat { any_goals { split <|> assumption} }

The combinators focus and solve1 go in the other direction. Specifically, focus t ensures that t only effects the current goal, temporarily hiding the others from the scope. So, if t ordinarily only effects the current goal, focus { all_goals {t} } has the same effect as t. The tactic solve1 t is similar, except that it fails unless t succeeds in solving the goal entirely. The done tactic is also sometimes useful to direct the flow of control; it succeeds only if there are no goals left to be solved.

5.6. Rewriting

The rewrite tactic (abbreviated rw) and the simp tactic were introduced briefly in Section 4.3. In this section and the next, we discuss them in greater detail.

The rewrite tactic provides a basic mechanism for applying substitutions to goals and hypotheses, providing a convenient and efficient way of working with equality. The most basic form of the tactic is rewrite t, where t is a term whose type asserts an equality. For example, t can be a hypothesis h : x = y in the context; it can be a general lemma, like add_comm : x y, x + y = y + x, in which the rewrite tactic tries to find suitable instantiations of x and y; or it can be any compound term asserting a concrete or general equation. In the following example, we use this basic form to rewrite the goal using a hypothesis.

variables (f :   ) (k : )

example (h₁ : f 0 = 0) (h₂ : k = 0) : f k = 0 :=
  rw h₂, -- replace k with 0
  rw h₁  -- replace f 0 with 0

In the example above, the first use of rw replaces k with 0 in the goal f k = 0. Then, the second one replaces f 0 with 0. The tactic automatically closes any goal of the form t = t. Here is an example of rewriting using a compound expression:

example (x y : ) (p :   Prop) (q : Prop) (h : q  x = y)
  (h' : p y) (hq : q) : p x :=
by { rw (h hq), assumption }

Here, h hq establishes the equation x = y. The parentheses around h hq are not necessary, but we have added them for clarity.

Multiple rewrites can be combined using the notation rw [t_1, ..., t_n], which is just shorthand for rewrite t_1, ..., rewrite t_n. The previous example can be written as follows:

variables (f :   ) (k : )

example (h₁ : f 0 = 0) (h₂ : k = 0) : f k = 0 :=
by rw [h₂, h₁]

By default, rw uses an equation in the forward direction, matching the left-hand side with an expression, and replacing it with the right-hand side. The notation ←t can be used to instruct the tactic to use the equality t in the reverse direction.

variables (f :   ) (a b : )

example (h₁ : a = b) (h₂ : f a = 0) : f b = 0 :=
  rw [h₁, h₂]

In this example, the term ←h₁ instructs the rewriter to replace b with a. In the editors, you can type the backwards arrow as \l. You can also use the ascii equivalent, <-.

Sometimes the left-hand side of an identity can match more than one subterm in the pattern, in which case the rewrite tactic chooses the first match it finds when traversing the term. If that is not the one you want, you can use additional arguments to specify the appropriate subterm.

import data.nat.basic

example (a b c : ) : a + b + c = a + c + b :=
  rw [add_assoc, add_comm b, add_assoc]

example (a b c : ) : a + b + c = a + c + b :=
  rw [add_assoc, add_assoc, add_comm b]

example (a b c : ) : a + b + c = a + c + b :=
  rw [add_assoc, add_assoc, add_comm _ b]

In the first example above, the first step rewrites a + b + c to a + (b + c). Then next applies commutativity to the term b + c; without specifying the argument, the tactic would instead rewrite a + (b + c) to (b + c) + a. Finally, the last step applies associativity in the reverse direction rewriting a + (c + b) to a + c + b. The next two examples instead apply associativity to move the parenthesis to the right on both sides, and then switch b and c. Notice that the last example specifies that the rewrite should take place on the right-hand side by specifying the second argument to add_comm.

By default, the rewrite tactic affects only the goal. The notation rw t at h applies the rewrite t at hypothesis h.

variables (f :   ) (a : )

example (h : a + 0 = 0) : f a = f 0 :=
by { rw add_zero at h, rw h }

The first step, rw add_zero at h, rewrites the hypothesis a + 0 = 0 to a = 0. Then the new hypothesis a = 0 is used to rewrite the goal to f 0 = f 0.

The rewrite tactic is not restricted to propositions. In the following example, we use rw h at t to rewrite the hypothesis t : tuple α n to v : tuple α 0.

def tuple (α : Type*) (n : ) :=
  { l : list α // list.length l = n }

variables {α : Type*} {n : }

example (h : n = 0) (t : tuple α n) : tuple α 0 :=
  rw h at t,
  exact t

Note that the rewrite tactic can carry out generic calculations in any algebraic structure. The following examples involve an arbitrary ring and an arbitrary group, respectively.

import algebra.ring

example {α : Type*} [ring α] (a b c : α) :
  a * 0 + 0 * b + c * 0 + 0 * a = 0 :=
  rw [mul_zero, mul_zero, zero_mul, zero_mul],
  repeat { rw add_zero }

example {α : Type*} [group α] {a b : α} (h : a * b = 1) :
  a⁻¹ = b :=
by rw [(mul_one a⁻¹), h, inv_mul_cancel_left]

Using the type class mechanism described in Chapter 10, Lean identifies both abstract and concrete instances of the relevant algebraic structures, and instantiates the relevant facts accordingly.

5.7. Using the Simplifier

Whereas rewrite is designed as a surgical tool for manipulating a goal, the simplifier offers a more powerful form of automation. A number of identities in Lean’s library have been tagged with the [simp] attribute, and the simp tactic uses them to iteratively rewrite subterms in an expression.

import data.nat.basic

variables (x y z : ) (p :   Prop)
variable  (h : p (x * y))

example : (x + 0) * (0 + y * 1 + z * 0) = x * y :=
by simp

include h
example : p ((x + 0) * (0 + y * 1 + z * 0)) :=
by { simp, assumption }

In the first example, the left-hand side of the equality in the goal is simplified using the usual identities involving 0 and 1, reducing the goal to x * y = x * y. At that point, simp applies reflexivity to finish it off. In the second example, simp reduces the goal to p (x * y), at which point the assumption h finishes it off. (Remember that we have to include h explicitly because it is not explicitly mentioned.) Here are some more examples with lists:

import data.list.basic

variable {α : Type*}

open list

example (xs : list ) :
  reverse (xs ++ [1, 2, 3]) = [3, 2, 1] ++ reverse xs :=
by simp

example (xs ys : list α) :
  length (reverse (xs ++ ys)) = length xs + length ys :=
by simp [add_comm]

This example uses facts about lists that are found in Lean’s mathematics library, which we need to explicitly import.

As with rw, you can use the keyword at to simplify a hypothesis:

variables (x y z : ) (p :   Prop)

example (h : p ((x + 0) * (0 + y * 1 + z * 0))) :
  p (x * y) :=
by { simp at h, assumption }

Moreover, you can use a “wildcard” asterisk to simplify all the hypotheses and the goal:

variables (w x y z : ) (p :   Prop)

local attribute [simp] mul_comm mul_assoc mul_left_comm
local attribute [simp] add_assoc add_comm add_left_comm

example (h : p (x * y + z * w  * x)) : p (x * w * z + y * x) :=
by { simp at *, assumption }

example (h₁ : p (1 * x + y)) (h₂ : p  (x * z * 1)) :
  p (y + 0 + x)  p (z * x) :=
by { simp at *, split; assumption }

For operations that are commutative and associative, like multiplication on the natural numbers, the simplifier uses these two facts to rewrite an expression, as well as left commutativity. In the case of multiplication the latter is expressed as follows: x * (y * z) = y * (x * z). The local attribute command tells the simplifier to use these rules in the current file (or section or namespace, as the case may be). It may seem that commutativity and left-commutativity are problematic, in that repeated application of either causes looping. But the simplifier detects identities that permute their arguments, and uses a technique known as ordered rewriting. This means that the system maintains an internal ordering of terms, and only applies the identity if doing so decreases the order. With the three identities mentioned above, this has the effect that all the parentheses in an expression are associated to the right, and the expressions are ordered in a canonical (though somewhat arbitrary) way. Two expressions that are equivalent up to associativity and commutativity are then rewritten to the same canonical form.

example : x * y + z * w  * x = x * w * z + y * x :=
by simp

example (h : p (x * y + z * w  * x)) : p (x * w * z + y * x) :=
begin simp, simp at h, assumption end

As with the rewriter, the simplifier behaves appropriately in algebraic structures:

import algebra.ring

variables {α : Type*} [comm_ring α]

local attribute [simp] mul_comm mul_assoc mul_left_comm
local attribute [simp] add_assoc add_comm add_left_comm

example (x y z : α) : (x - x) * y + z = z :=
begin simp end

example (x y z w : α) : x * y + z * w  * x = x * w * z + y * x :=
by simp

As with rewrite, you can send simp a list of facts to use, including general lemmas, local hypotheses, definitions to unfold, and compound expressions. The simp tactic does not recognize the ←t syntax that rewrite does, so to use an identity in the other direction you need to use eq.symm explicitly. In any case, the additional rules are added to the collection of identities that are used to simplify a term.

def f (m n : ) :  := m + n + m

example {m n : } (h : n = 1) (h' : 0 = m) : (f m n) = n :=
by simp [h, h'.symm, f]

A common idiom is to simplify a goal using local hypotheses:

variables (f :   ) (k : )

example (h₁ : f 0 = 0) (h₂ : k = 0) : f k = 0 :=
by simp [h₁, h₂]

To use all the hypotheses present in the local context when simplifying, we can use the wildcard symbol, *:

example (h₁ : f 0 = 0) (h₂ : k = 0) : f k = 0 :=
by simp *

Here is another example:

import data.nat.basic

example (u w x y z : ) (h₁ : x = y + z) (h₂ : w = u + x) :
  w = z + y + u :=
by simp [*, add_assoc, add_comm, add_left_comm]

The simplifier will also do propositional rewriting. For example, using the hypothesis p, it rewrites p q to q and p q to true, which it then proves trivially. Iterating such rewrites produces nontrivial propositional reasoning.

variables (p q r : Prop)

example (hp : p) : p  q  q :=
by simp *

example (hp : p) : p  q :=
by simp *

example (hp : p) (hq : q) : p  (q  r) :=
by simp *

The next example simplifies all the hypotheses, and then uses them to prove the goal.

import data.nat.basic

variables (u w x x' y y' z : ) (p :   Prop)

example (h₁ : x + 0 = x') (h₂ : y + 0 = y') :
  x + y + 0 = x' + y' :=
by { simp at *, simp * }

One thing that makes the simplifier especially useful is that its capabilities can grow as a library develops. For example, suppose we define a list operation that symmetrizes its input by appending its reversal:

import data.list.basic

open list

variables {α : Type*} (x y z : α) (xs ys zs : list α)

def mk_symm (xs : list α) := xs ++ reverse xs

Then for any list xs, reverse (mk_symm xs) is equal to mk_symm xs, which can easily be proved by unfolding the definition:

theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : list α) :
  reverse (mk_symm xs) = mk_symm xs :=
by { unfold mk_symm, simp }

Or even more simply,

theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : list α) :
  reverse (mk_symm xs) = mk_symm xs :=
by simp [mk_symm]

We can now use this theorem to prove new results:

example (xs ys : list ) :
  reverse (xs ++ mk_symm ys) = mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs :=
by simp [reverse_mk_symm]

example (xs ys : list ) (p : list   Prop)
    (h : p (reverse (xs ++ (mk_symm ys)))) :
  p (mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs) :=
by simp [reverse_mk_symm] at h; assumption

But using reverse_mk_symm is generally the right thing to do, and it would be nice if users did not have to invoke it explicitly. We can achieve that by marking it as a simplification rule when the theorem is defined:

@[simp] theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : list α) :
  reverse (mk_symm xs) = mk_symm xs :=
by simp [mk_symm]

example (xs ys : list ) :
  reverse (xs ++ mk_symm ys) = mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs :=
by simp

example (xs ys : list ) (p : list   Prop)
    (h : p (reverse (xs ++ (mk_symm ys)))) :
  p (mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs) :=
by simp at h; assumption

The notation @[simp] declares reverse_mk_symm to have the [simp] attribute, and can be spelled out more explicitly:

attribute [simp]
theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : list α) :
  reverse (mk_symm xs) = mk_symm xs :=
by simp [mk_symm]

The attribute can also be applied any time after the theorem is declared:

theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : list α) :
  reverse (mk_symm xs) = mk_symm xs :=
by simp [mk_symm]

attribute [simp] reverse_mk_symm

example (xs ys : list ) :
  reverse (xs ++ mk_symm ys) = mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs :=
by simp

example (xs ys : list ) (p : list   Prop)
    (h : p (reverse (xs ++ (mk_symm ys)))) :
  p (mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs) :=
by simp at h; assumption

Once the attribute is applied, however, there is no way to remove it; it persists in any file that imports the one where the attribute is assigned. As we will discuss further in Section 6.4, one can limit the scope of an attribute to the current file or section using the local attribute command:

local attribute [simp] reverse_mk_symm

example (xs ys : list ) :
  reverse (xs ++ mk_symm ys) = mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs :=
by simp

example (xs ys : list ) (p : list   Prop)
    (h : p (reverse (xs ++ (mk_symm ys)))) :
  p (mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs) :=
by simp at h; assumption


Outside the section, the simplifier will no longer use reverse_mk_symm by default.

You can even create your own sets of simplifier rules, to be applied in special situations.

run_cmd mk_simp_attr `my_simps

attribute [my_simps] reverse_mk_symm

example (xs ys : list ) :
  reverse (xs ++ mk_symm ys) = mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs :=
by simp with my_simps

example (xs ys : list ) (p : list   Prop)
  (h : p (reverse (xs ++ (mk_symm ys)))) :
    p (mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs) :=
by simp with my_simps at h; assumption

The command run_cmd mk_simp_attr `my_simps creates a new attribute [my_simps]. (The backtick is used to indicate that my_simps is a new name, something that is explained more fully in Programming in Lean.) The command simp with my_simps then adds all the theorems that have been marked with attribute [my_simps] to the default set of theorems marked with attribute [simp] before applying [simp], and similarly with simp with my_simps at h.

Note that the various simp options we have discussed — giving an explicit list of rules, using at to specify the location, and using with to add additional simplifier rules — can be combined, but the order they are listed is rigid. You can see the correct order in an editor by placing the cursor on the simp identifier to see the documentation string that is associated with it.

There are two additional modifiers that are useful. By default, simp includes all theorems that have been marked with the attribute [simp]. Writing simp only excludes these defaults, allowing you to use a more explicitly crafted list of rules. Alternatively, writing simp without t filters t and removes it from the set of simplification rules. In the examples below, the minus sign and only are used to block the application of reverse_mk_symm.

attribute [simp] reverse_mk_symm

example (xs ys : list ) (p : list   Prop)
    (h : p (reverse (xs ++ (mk_symm ys)))) :
  p (mk_symm ys ++ reverse xs) :=
by { simp at h, assumption }

example (xs ys : list ) (p : list   Prop)
    (h : p (reverse (xs ++ (mk_symm ys)))) :
  p (reverse (mk_symm ys) ++ reverse xs) :=
by { simp [-reverse_mk_symm] at h, assumption }

example (xs ys : list ) (p : list   Prop)
    (h : p (reverse (xs ++ (mk_symm ys)))) :
  p (reverse (mk_symm ys) ++ reverse xs) :=
by { simp only [reverse_append] at h, assumption }

5.8. Exercises

  1. Go back to the exercises in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 and redo as many as you can now with tactic proofs, using also rw and simp as appropriate.

  2. Use tactic combinators to obtain a one line proof of the following:

    example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) :
    (p  q  r)  (q  p  r)  (q  r  p) :=
    by sorry